This page is to provide a lasting acknowledgement to all of those people who have helped make this web site as great as it is. Without the assistance of all of these people, in their myriad ways, this web site would not be nearly as comprehensive as it is. Further, there are some who have asked that their name not be published - people, you know who you are and you have my most grateful appreciation for your assistance and input into this most worthwhile website.
Thank you.
Thanks to the following for their overwhelming support:
Jim Crumpacker, who had the vision right at the start - I hope this site has met your expectations.
Scott Boa - the gentleman who constantly amazes me with patches from all corners of the globe!! Plus Heinz Hachenberg & Tony Leung.
Bill Shaw, Brian Bennett, Christine Howard, Greg Clifford, Heinz Schroeder, Paul Britton, Sean Boland.
Darrell Haynes, Elliot Kaliser, Joe Chiasson, Lisa Russo, Marty J Cassidy, Ray Sherrard, Steve White & Stuart Malter.
Not forgetting my fellow Customs inspectors, Adolph Brown, Alan Louis, Allan Blay, Ari Ariel, Arjeh van der Sluis, Art Reifke Jr, Bjorn Bakken, Bob Ballentine, Bob Scarberry, Brad Tipping, Bruce Grant, Carl Herner, Charles Robert, Charlie Karotseris, Christian Bischof, Clarence Lui, Dale Brown, Dieter Wurch (another original!), Dimitri Lefebvre, Doug Alo (Great beer mate!), Dwight Powers, Frank Rodrigues, Georges Kalinowski, Gerard Aflague, Gerry Jacobs, Gord Gantner, Greg Arnott, Gunnar Alfonsson, Hans Wagner, Harry Troche (of Smugglers Lane!), Hinrich Schulze, James A Austin, James Delong, Jason Menzies, Jimmy Elder, John Carman, John Kelly, Keith Brown, Kelvin Chan, Kevin Hewson (what a wonderful visit we had mate!), Larry Abramson, Lars Gjersoe, Laurent Gabriel, Lawrie Weston (another likeable scoundrel!), Leroy Robertson (thanks mate, perhaps one day we can visit?), Lluis Capdevila, Mari Van Den Eijnden, Martin C Davies, Martin Olk, Martin Schwartz, Michael (Wolfpatch), Michael Molotkin, Mohamad Aspandi, Nemo Briton, Nolan Boyden (thanks for your hospitality), Oscar Morales, Parvex Christophe, Patrick Roussel, Paul Russell, Petr Masek (I'm still planning our visit!), Polach Jaroslav, Ralph onner, Ralph Schoenig, Ramon Salgado, Robert Rutt, Roland Briand, Roy Pugh (my mentor), Shaun Fujimoto (Bro!), Shawn Hinman (matey!), Steve Bede, Steve Mackenzie, Tom Chafey (sir), Wally Howard (if I get a Dragon patch, it's yours) and Wayne Batty.
Not forgetting some of the European collectors also, Andre Jansen, David Cassel, Gerald Kainz, Hans Hauprich, Hinrich Schulze, Holger Rother, Joe Borda, Tom Bogaards and Werner Glasse!! Phew, all done!!